Classic Video Gamer
Insider Info
Classic video gamers live for low-tech video games of days gone by. They
love games invented way back in the '80s -- before all the advances in
graphics and sound.
This is a Fathom cartridge for Intellivision systems. It is prized
by classic video gamers as it is a very hard item to find. |
Courtesy of: Steve R's Classic Cartridge Page |
Some of the most popular golden-age games are Space Invaders and Joust,
a game where a player flies on a bird and tries to dismount other players.
Remember Pac Man, the little pill-munching orb? He's still popular in
classic video game circles, too.
"Back then, the games had to rely on really good game play to keep you
entertained because they didn't have the graphics and sounds that games
today have," explains gamer Roger Earl.
Video games come in three types of packages: computer games, home console
and arcade. Computer games are complex and full of simulations. Home consoles
are simpler to use, often just home versions of arcade games. Arcade games
are designed to be short and addictive.
That's what bothers some classic gamers about new "next generation"
video games. Arcade games now are short and have to be continued by plugging
in another quarter. In older games, if you played well you automatically earned
extra time.
"Another crucial quality of older games is the integrity of high scores,"
says Craig Pell, a gamer.
A high score used to be a mark of genuine achievement, because the only
way to get an entry into an arcade game's high score table was through
skill and endurance. "Now, of course, a high score is an indicator of the
size of someone's wallet," he says.
Most people envision a video gamer as a reserved person who doesn't
like to interact with others. However, many gamers say they enjoy meeting
and playing with other people who share their hobby.
Many video gamers join clubs to share their favorite games, try new ones,
discuss the various merits of games and meet new people.
The number of people playing video games is difficult to estimate. Millions
of games for home machines and computers have been sold, but games can be
played in arcades, too. It's estimated that most people under the age
of 25 have tried playing a video game at least once.
Video games are played in arcades, on home consoles and on home computers.
Some people play them in the office too, but that's not always recommended
-- or even permitted! Some avid collectors even have coin-operated arcade
games in their homes.
In the past decade, interest in arcade games has been decreasing while
the home market has been increasing. In more recent years, the arcade market
has rebounded thanks to the latest games.
The video games market is growing overall, especially in the computer games
The cost of equipment varies with the type of game that you want to play.
Classic home consoles are the cheapest, generally costing $15 to $50 for the
machine and $1 to $4 per cart.
Classic coin-operated machines (the type usually found in arcades) can
cost between $50 and $1,000. The price depends on the game and its condition.
Standard home consoles sell for $100 to $150 for the machine and $50 to
$100 per cart. New home consoles cost $300 to $500 for the machine and $50
to $100 per cart. New coin-operated machines cost $8,000-plus.
One of the reasons video gamers collect classic games is that they are
cheaper than new games. It's also a challenge to find older games.
"Let's face it," says Earl, "rummaging around flea markets and thrift
shops in search of nostalgia is kind of fun."
Playing video games doesn't require much physical strength, but the
games do test your hand-eye coordination.
It's possible to be injured playing video games. Some games can induce
seizures in people prone to epilepsy. Others can cause dizziness, nausea and
eye strain.
Some people have experienced repetitive strain injury. This occurs from
using one muscle over and over again and consequently injuring it. Wrist injuries
are most common.
"Not many people are affected," says Earl. "It's much more present
among professional computer users."
It's possible to get a related full-time or part-time job if you are
interested in putting your interest in video games to work. Computer programmers
are in demand today, and games programmers are sometimes considered the elite
in the field.
"If a game player can learn to program, he can put these two skills together
and make a very good living indeed," says Earl. People will usually need another
skill to combine with their love of video games (such as graphic design) in
order to make a living.
For non-programmers, there are jobs available in arcades. Video gamers
can also test games for companies. Both of these jobs usually pay minimum
Getting Started
According to enthusiasts, sometimes half the fun of classic video games
is in locating them. They recommend you search second-hand stores, flea markets
and garage sales.
Video gamers buy magazines to keep them informed about what's new
in the video world. People also use the Internet to view and talk about oldies
and goldies.
Whether you're into classic or new games, they are fun when you can
play with -- or compete against -- others. It's also fun to be able to
discuss game strategies with other video game buffs.
Joining a club or a newsgroup is a great way to make friends and learn
about different kinds of games. It gives you a chance to try other games and
get tips for finding new ones.
Collecting classic video games is much easier on the pocketbook than collecting
new games. Sometimes you can buy 15 classic games for the price of one new
Remember, some arcades have banned people from carrying lists. With lists,
even the weakest player can beat the best by using memorized moves.
But you won't have to worry if you're a classic video gamer.
In most of these games, you can't memorize moves -- except for "cheats"
in the odd game, and we won't tell you which ones!
Video Arcade Preservation Society
Classic Video Games Book and Periodical List
The History of Home Video Games Home Page
Dedicated to home video games
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Everything from the Newbie Guide to the CD-ROM of the week
Her Interactive
This company is creating the next generation of female gamers
with the game Nancy Drew
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