Basket Weaving
Insider Info
Don't you just love baskets? After all, they are both useful and beautiful!
These objects are woven out of natural materials, like reeds and vines.
Baskets can hold any kind of object -- newspapers, candies, pens or kitchen
gadgets. Pot a plant in a basket. Use it as a laundry hamper. As you can see,
there are plenty of uses for baskets big and small.
"Some baskets are so tightly woven they can store water," says Ohio basket
maker Linda Braun.
Baskets come in many shapes and sizes. This basket was made by Linda
Braun using a pattern by Lyn Siler. |
Baskets have been used as versatile, strong and lightweight storage containers
for thousands of years. Basket weaving can be traced as far back as 5000 BC,
when they were used for storing grain. "Fiscus, the Roman word for a 'basket
used to collect taxes,' is the root of our word fiscal," says Braun.
Baskets can be made from any pliable material. Most often, natural plant
materials such as cane, rush, reeds, grapevines or honeysuckle vines are used
to make baskets. Woods such as oak, maple, cherry, ash and cedar are used
to make sturdy baskets, or are made into basket handles.
Any reed material can be colored with natural stains or commercial dyes
to add interest. Nearly all materials are wet while the weaving is done.
Weavers can make their baskets in almost any space. Many people weave on
the kitchen table, in their lap or anywhere they can find space. Others have
a workshop where they do their craft. "I began weaving on my mother's drop-leaf
maple dining room table," says Judith Jones in Indiana. "I now have a nice
workshop in my basement."
Those involved in this activity say interest in basket making is growing.
"I think it's gaining in popularity. It's very satisfying to make something
that is enjoyed not only by yourself, but by others," says Jones. "I think
many people are becoming aware of the history of basket making -- not only
as a necessity, but as an art form."
Basket making is rewarding for many different reasons. Weaving is relaxing
and a distraction from everyday worries. Through their hard work, basket makers
end up with a product that can be used for storing or carrying almost anything.
"I enjoy basket weaving because I like making things with my hands," says
Tony Stubblefield, a medical illustrator in St. Louis. "I not only enjoy the
process, I also can enjoy the final product. A basket is something I can actually
hold in my hands and turn around and touch -- you can't really do that with
a painting. There are so many styles of baskets that you never have to worry
about getting bored with any one technique."
This is an easy hobby to get into. Materials are inexpensive, and you don't
need many tools. For example, the materials needed to make a reed basket aren't
very expensive -- about $6 to $8 per pound. Grapevines or items collected
from the woods are even less expensive. An oak basket is more expensive to
"Ash and oak aren't readily available and therefore cost more," says Billie
Dorris of North Carolina. If you have the ability to cut and prepare your
own materials from the tree, it is less expensive but more work!
A few basic tools are required for basket making. You need a ruler and
scissors to measure and cut reeds. Clothespins are used to hold the work in
place while the weaving is done. A small screwdriver is used to open spaces
and to tuck in the spokes. You may also need a pan for holding water, an awl
and a pair of needle-nose pliers.
Most people don't have to buy any tools to get started. "You can find everything
you need in your house," says Irene Weisner, a member of the a weavers guild.
For example, you can use a knitting needle instead of an awl and scissors
instead of pruning shears.
At some point, you may acquire more tools. "The more you weave, the more
tools you seem to acquire," says Dorris. "Especially if you are a tool junkie
like me."
All baskets are still woven by hand. "We haven't yet invented a basket-making
machine," says Braun.
Making baskets requires a certain amount of strength and dexterity in the
hands and arms. More strength is required if you harvest your own materials,
such as oak or cherrywood. "Some physically challenged persons are excellent
basket makers," says Jones.
Some basket makers keep their baskets for personal use or give them away
as gifts. Others find their hobby earns them some income. While some baskets
can cost as little as a few dollars, more collectable examples can sell for
several thousand. Baskets are priced according to the level of expertise of
the weaver, the cost of materials used, time used and the size of the basket.
"My most expensive basket is $200," says Dorris. Her least expensive is
$20. Many people will sell small baskets for less. Her best-selling baskets
cost $40. Baskets made by nationally known weavers will cost considerably
If you really like making baskets, you could pursue a career in the field.
You could open your own store and sell the baskets you make as an entrepreneur.
If you don't want to make baskets full time, you could work part time at a
different job and sell your baskets on the side. You could teach others how
to do the craft, or earn some extra cash by helping to harvest some of the
materials used in making baskets.
Getting Started
Start with the basics. Learn the basics at a class or by studying some
books on the subject. Courses are often offered by basket makers at recreation
centers or even local colleges.
"Learn the basic structures before doing creative, sculptural pieces,"
says Weisner. It's just the same as learning how to spell before writing,
or learning how to warp a loom before weaving.
If you're just starting out, it's best to use commercial products, like
cane, says Weisner. That's because they are consistent and reliable. After
you've got some experience, you can work with materials you gather yourself,
because you'll be able to deal with "lumpy, bumpy, natural bends."
Don't be disappointed if one of your baskets doesn't turn out. Just try
again. "Just because something didn't work out to your satisfaction this time
doesn't mean that it won't the next time you try it," says Billie Dorris in
North Carolina.
"The best advice I can give is to just keep at it," says Dorris. Like anything
else, the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Start making baskets by following a pattern. After you've figured out how
the pattern is put together, try experimenting.
"There are very few hard and fast rules," says Dorris. "Frequently, it's
an experiment to see what will work and what won't."
Be observant. Some ideas for baskets come from the least expected places.
Check out your local craft store for books, patterns and materials. Craft
store owners will know if there is a local club in your area. They can also
offer advice on which books might be suited to your level of expertise.
Make baskets for your friends. "Handmade articles are cherished gifts,"
notes Braun.
Stubblefield agrees. "They also make great gifts. All my friends bug me
about when they are going to get another basket!"
Central Pennsylvania Basket Weavers Guild
104 Milltown Rd.
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.
Basketry Information
A basket fan's Web site with details on clubs, exhibits and more
Discover the interesting techniques this company uses to make
A basket fan's website with lots of links
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