Wellness Program Planner
More and more businesses are offering some form of health promotion
or "wellness" program to their employees. Wellness program planners are in
Wellness programs can encompass a range of health topics, including stress
management, nutrition, and fitness. "Wellness is really dealing with the whole
growth of the individual -- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually,"
says Cameron Johnston, creator of WellChoices seminars.
Wellness program planners can work in a variety of settings such as hospitals,
non-profit agencies, corporations, and fitness facilities. But one element
of the job remains the same: helping people.
"The thing that I like best about my job is that what I do can truly impact
the quality of life for those with whom I work," says Amy Dimberio, president
of Wellness Strategies.
And both the individual and the program sponsor profit from such efforts.
According to the Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA), corporate wellness
results in lower health-care costs, reduced absenteeism, decreased injuries,
and higher productivity, among other benefits.
Anne Helmke is director of member services for the National Wellness Association
(NWA). She, has noticed an increase in employment as consultants and in hospital
or university settings.
Susan MacConnie is an advisor for the exercise science and wellness management
program at Humboldt State University in California. In her opinion, the wellness
industry is in a state of transition due to changes in health care.
"As we try to move more towards preventative measures for health, there
will be more opportunities, but the location may shift. There may be more
community programs. It may be insurance companies, it may still be corporate-type
programs. Some of them may even be in...physician's offices," she says.
Deborah Jones, chairperson of the Health, Work and Wellness Conference,
says there's a trend towards combining wellness with related areas, such as
organizational development and occupational health and safety. Although this
requires a consultant to be well versed in each area, it also presents more
The Wellness Work
What exactly does a wellness program planner do? As a consultant, Dimberio
develops and implements wellness programs tailored to meet each client's needs.
She also creates her own marketing materials, sales presentations and proposals.
"The majority of my days are spent developing programs, implementing on-site
programs, and marketing my business to new clients by making sales calls and
initiating proposals."
The sales calls are the hardest part of Dimberio's job. "Calling on employers
and trying to encourage them to offer on-site wellness programs can be very,
very challenging and oftentimes extremely frustrating," she says.
Johnston's primary focus is helping individuals through his WellChoices
seminars. He provides half-day and whole-day wellness and stress management
seminars to groups ranging from eight people to more than 100. There is no
typical day for him, and he enjoys the flexibility, variety, and travel that
giving seminars provides.
As the director of wellness for Amarillo Diagnostic Clinic, Janice Joyner
oversees both patient and employee wellness activities.
"I would describe my job as helping people make lifestyle changes to improve
their health or to prevent illness," she says.
"These [changes] include learning about good nutrition, exercising regularly,
reducing stress, and developing mental and spiritual fitness as well."
Joyner spends time each day talking with individual patients and employees
to assist them with meal plans, exercise programs, and stress management techniques.
Wellness Wages
Joyner points out that salaries can depend on two things: the level of
training -- including education and experience -- and the job setting. Health-care
settings usually provide better pay than fitness clubs or corporations.
She estimates that salaries range from $20,000 for consultants holding
a bachelor's degree to $40,000 for those with a master's degree.
Words of Wisdom
Wellness program planners can come from a variety of backgrounds. Joyner
was originally a community college counselor, and later a clinic manager at
an outpatient obesity treatment center.
Dimberio worked for an HMO developing and implementing wellness programs
for six years before starting her own wellness and health education consulting
business. Johnston's background includes 20 years in the pastoral ministry,
while Jones started out as a dietitian.
A degree in health science, health education, or wellness can provide valuable
skills and credibility. Joyner advises having an area of specialization, but
taking other courses to prepare for more than one role.
"For someone just starting out, try to get experience in lots of different
areas of the field," suggests Joyner. "Avoid being trained to do only one
thing -- like just write exercise prescriptions, or just do meal planning."
Dimberio suggests spending time with someone already working in the field
to learn more about the career itself, since there are many different areas
of focus. "It is also important to gain as much experience as possible through
volunteer opportunities and internships," she adds.
Jones recommends doing some research into what has worked, what hasn't,
and why. Networking is important, since it enables a consultant to draw from
experts in different fields. She also suggests that planners work for a corporation
first before working on their own as a consultant.
The bottom line: "Wellness works," says Jones. "It's a win-win situation
for employer and employee." And the wellness program planner can come out
a winner, too.
International Association for Worksite Health Promotion
Has chapters across North America
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