Do Forest and Lumber Workers Have a Sustainable Future?
Just as forests go through cycles -- old trees die and new ones grow
-- so do the jobs that keep forests alive and thriving. During the recent
economic slump, the forest and lumber industry was hit hard. And that could
be scary news if you're interested in entering the field.
But experts say a downturn is actually a good time to consider a job
in this field.
Many new jobs will be created. In fact, forest workers say new jobs will
come about that haven't been invented yet. Some of today's new jobs are ecological.
Some are technical or research-oriented. Employment also continues in traditional
jobs, such as planting trees, logging and firefighting.
There will also be many people retiring in the near future, opening opportunities
in all sectors.
"While the job loss in the forest products industry has been stark and
significant, there is a bright future, as the industry evolves and responds
to changing economic conditions," says Keith Lancastle. He's the executive
director with a forestry council.
In fact, he says many new jobs are being created, especially jobs related
to environmental awareness, the sustainable management of forests and renewability.
"There is a lack of awareness of the breadth of employment opportunities
available in the sector, as well as a lack of understanding as to how sustainable
and innovative the forest sector has become," adds Karen Hébert. She's a project
manager for a forestry council.
"This industry, I would say more than any other, has a variety of employment
opportunities, whether you want to work outside or inside and everything in
between," adds Lancastle.
While new jobs are growing, economic factors have painted a grim picture.
"The downfall of the housing industry has impacted lumber exports," says Lancastle.
"Newsprint demand is at an all-time low...."
These factors have caused fewer students to enroll in forestry programs,
says forester Daniel Gautreau. He works with an organization that focuses
on forest recruitment.
"Because more people are reluctant to enter this field, post-secondary
programs are having difficulty attracting students," he says. "It has come
to the point that some of these programs are now closed, and others are contemplating
doing the same as not enough students are filling up the seats."
However, with a looming influx of retirements there will be lots of opportunities
and not enough workers to meet the demand, he says.
Research shows that over the next 10 years, thousands of forestry professionals
will retire. This will open up a range of career opportunities
for urban planners, technologists, engineers, biologists, equipment operators
and researchers.
Also when the industry starts rebounding, Gautreau predicts a demand for
other traditional jobs, such as highly skilled loggers and truckers, who will
be needed to help rebuild the sector.
"Loggers are at the very beginning of the value chain of all forest products,"
he explains. "No matter what type of product the industry creates with the
wood, there will always be a need for someone to harvest that wood. Highly
skilled loggers and truckers are essential for the well-being of the forest
industry and will be key components of the economic recovery of the industry."
Skills required
Because the types of jobs available in forestry are so broad -- from tree
planting to highly specialized research -- it is difficult to pinpoint the
skills required to enter this field, says Gautreau.
But one thing is essential, and that's a genuine interest in the environment,
forests or nature, he says. "People who naturally frequent the woods on a
regular basis to participate in their favorite activity, such as camping,
bird watching, hunting, fishing or canoeing, for example, are usually inclined
to be interested in forests and the field of forestry."
Aside from a passion for the outdoors, there are certain skills required,
depending on the job. A logger, for example, requires technical and computer
skills and hand-eye co-ordination.
"Unless you're cutting on a steep slope, you're sitting in a cab with a
computer screen showing you where your saw's cutting head is," says Bruce
Lippke. He's the director of the rural technology initiative at the University
of Washington.
The demand for workers with post-secondary education, skilled trades, computer
skills or sales and marketing knowledge is also high. This shortage is likely
to get worse in the future as the forest industry introduces more complex
manufacturing processes.
Kelley Duffield works with the forestry college at the University of Washington.
She believes a high school diploma is necessary for new forest management
jobs. Some research and management jobs also require people to learn technical
"I can see students with some technical training working with persons with
higher levels of expertise," Duffield says. "They'll be outdoors measuring
soil or moisture, replanting native plants, [and] introducing certain types
of wildlife, for example."
Get experience
For those interested in the forest and lumber industry, experts suggest
first getting your feet wet. That means asking a national forestry organization
about opportunities for job shadowing, riding along with a forester, hydrologist
or crew boss, and getting a taste of what it's like to do forestry work. Most
states have a service office.
Most experts suggest volunteering. Agencies doing forest restoration work,
such as tree planting, often have volunteer opportunities. You might sow seeds
or work on wetland restoration or erosion control programs. Or you might
volunteer to pull ivy out of trees to help the trees survive, put food boxes
in the forest or pull weeds out of wetlands. Nature conservancies worldwide
have projects in which anyone can participate.
Many big cities need volunteers to help maintain forested parks. The International
Mountain Biking Association, for example, has a volunteer section that works
on trails. Most cities have an urban forester who needs volunteers to help
with tree planting, tree care and other projects.
You could also apprentice with a logging crew. Ask about a forestry extension
service at a university. Look for agencies or contractors that are doing environmental
monitoring and see if you can work on a survey crew. It helps to have an interest
in botany or zoology.
What jobs are there?
Career opportunities in the forest and lumber industry are vast, from firefighting
to forest management. Forest management used to be about harvesting trees
for profit. But now it's moving towards other goals. These goals include preserving
old growth forests, protecting the habitat of endangered species, restoring
wetlands or making an area available for recreation.
"The legacy of timber harvesting will shift to some other objective," Duffield
says. "And that is where I see a great deal of opportunity for young people."
Jobs are often found in two categories: research and applied activities.
A research activity could involve going into the woods and counting birds,
nests or bird calls, for example. Then the person would enter the data into
a computer. Applied activities occur in restoration work. That means taking
an area, such as a wetland that has been heavily impacted by humans, and restoring
it to a more naturally functioning ecological system.
As Duffield points out, the new jobs in forestry aren't as highly paid
as jobs in some other fields. However, they can be rewarding. You get to work
in the great outdoors. And you are doing work that makes the world a better
"We really need bright young minds to help us solve some of the environmental
problems we are facing," she says.
America's foremost website regarding jobs in the forest industry,
according to the site
Forestry at
Articles on employment in the forestry industry, links, photos,
forums and more
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