Horse Training
Insider Info
If you want to learn to ride a horse, you take riding lessons. But have
you ever wondered how the horse learns what you mean when you pull a rein?
Turns out, horses have their trainers too!
Horse training involves working with a young or untrained horse and teaching
it to respond to human directions and commands, such as turning, stopping
and jumping. When taken to a competitive level, this "obedience training"
for horses is referred to as dressage.
"Basic training involves getting the horse to respect you and not be afraid
of you," says Kathy Stamps, a horse training enthusiast from Desoto, Missouri.
Horse trainers say training horses takes a lot of patience. It means repeating
instruction and directions many times, and rewarding the horse when it does
what it's told. It's a lot of work to turn a green, untrained horse into a
finished horse.
"Taking a young horse and moulding it into a good riding horse is an exercise
in patience and understanding," says Diana Crawford, a horse training enthusiast
from Gainesville, Florida.
A trainer needs to have a number of special qualities, says Arthur Smith.
"There is a great satisfaction in being able to establish a common language
between yourself and the horse, and it is no small pleasure to see a satisfied
owner ride his or her horse for the first time! I would recommend horse training
to anyone who feels that they have the time, patience, and love required to
do the job right."
What is the key in training horses? Thinking like a horse!
"Horses don't understand 'hurry' unless it relates to their safety, and
they don't understand deadlines and show dates. You have to think like the
horse because the horse can't think like a human," says Crawford.
If you want to become a good trainer, nothing can replace the experience
you gain by riding a lot of horses.
"Once you learn to ride and speak the horse's language, you can begin to
teach the young horse what more experienced horses have taught you," explains
Diane Cooke, a horse trainer from Brentwood, California.
Letting the horse know who's boss is another important technique in training
"The first thing you have to do is earn the horse's respect," says Cooke.
"You don't allow it to step on you or push you around with its body. Once
it respects you as its 'herd leader,' you can begin to get on with teaching
it the things you want it to do."
Horse training can be a very expensive hobby. In fact, enthusiasts say
getting the money together is one of the hardest things about getting started.
"Probably the hardest thing is getting the money together to buy a horse
and gear and [to pay for] lessons," says Stamps.
An average horse will cost you about $1,500. The cost for food and stabling
varies across the country. Lessons run about $20 to $30 per hour for group
lessons and $50 to $70 per hour for private lessons.
There are also some other things you will need, such as a saddle and saddle
pad, a bridle with bit, a halter, a lead rope and brushes for your horse.
This equipment can cost around $1,200. And these are just the basics.
If you want to show your horse and get into competitions, you'll end up
buying other special equipment. If you get into jumping, for example, you
could end up buying things like a jumping saddle and special "boots" to protect
your horse's feet.
Despite the expenses involved with horses, many people are involved in
this activity. More than 10 percent of U.S. households currently participate
in riding, reports the Horse Industry Alliance. Plus, another 18 percent of
households have an interest in riding. The American Horse Council Federation
reports there are 6.9 million horses and 7.1 million equestrian participants
in the U.S.
If you get involved with horses, a much cheaper option is to rent a horse,
not buy one. In this case, you will still need riding clothing.
"A helmet and sensible boots with a half-inch heel are absolute essentials,"
says Cooke.
Horse trainers are people who have lots of experience with horses and riding.
It's this experience that enables someone to become a trainer.
It's been estimated that for every one trainer there are probably about
1,000 riders. This is because it takes a lot of training and experience, not
to mention the expense, to train horses and few people are so committed to
the activity.
"You have to be pretty experienced to train a horse and you get this experience
by riding lots of different horses," says Stamps. "You won't learn anything
by just riding a couple."
Horse training can be a dangerous hobby. Many trainers have had their share
of falls, but they say a healthy respect for the horse, know-how and wearing
a helmet can help reduce the risk of injury.
"You have to keep in mind that you're dealing with a 1,500 lb. animal,"
says Crawford. "If a horse is acting strangely or bad, you have to notice
this right away. I have a healthy respect for the horse's power and I've tried
to learn what makes them tick so I can keep out of the way if and when one
blows up."
Horse trainers need to be physically fit.
"Flexibility, good upper body strength, a strong back and strong muscular
legs are ideal for riding and training horses," says Debbie Messner, a horse
training enthusiast from Pittsburgh.
Not respecting the horse's power is one common mistake beginners make,
but the most common by far is having a lack of patience.
"Many people try to push the horses too hard and too fast," says Stamps.
"There are no 90-day wonders. If you take the time, you'll have a very solid
horse that you won't have to continue to train for the rest of its life."
With plenty of patience and hard work, the rewards are great. You'll know
your work has paid off when you find yourself with a good horse.
"I like the feeling of accomplishment when a horse and I work as a team,"
says Crawford. "There are frustrations, for sure, but the good times outweigh
the bad."
Getting good at training horses can lead to paid jobs as a trainer or in
related fields. Besides being a horse trainer, people interested in dressage
can find employment as a riding instructor or a stable manager, someone who
breeds and boards horses.
Getting Started
If you're interested in going one step beyond riding horses
to take up training them, here's what the experts suggest to get started.
"Talk, watch and ask lots of questions. Don't ever be afraid to ask lots
of questions if you're having trouble with a horse," says Kathy Stamps.
Find yourself a local riding school and an instructor to help you learn.
Feed stores are a good place to ask about stables in rural areas. In more
urban areas, stables are usually listed in the telephone book.
Choosing a good instructor is very important. "Look for someone who understands
and listens to your concerns and needs, and someone who is willing to go at
your pace -- not theirs," says Debbie Messner. "Look for an interactive instructor,
not someone who sits in the middle of the ring and barks out orders."
For people with little or no experience with horses, joining the local
branch of the Pony Club is an excellent way to get started. Members receive
lessons in basic horse care, riding, grooming and health -- all for free!
The only condition is that Pony Clubbers must be 21 or younger.
If you're too old for Pony Club, see if there's a local riding club you
can join. It's a great way to make new friends and gain knowledge about horses.
Ride as many horses as you possibly can. Experts say this is the best way
to learn how to train horses.
"I suggest taking lots of lessons from lots of different people, sitting
on a lot of fences around shows and training barns," says Diana Crawford.
Finally, don't expect to become a trainer overnight. There's a big difference
between knowing how to ride a horse and knowing how to train it.
Certified Horsemanship Association
Involved in safety and education issues internationally
American Riding Instructors Association
Its goal is to help promote safe, knowledgeable riding instruction
American Quarter Horse Association
The home page for the "world's most popular horse"
The United States Equestrian Team
For all those who love equestrian sports
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