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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Concierges are the ambassadors for their hotels. When people stay in a hotel, a concierge is their main contact. Concierges are there to make a hotel stay delightful and to make the guest feel comfortable.

Some of the more common requests are making dinner reservations, booking flights and suggesting a theater or play. "Whatever you do should have a positive outcome for the guest," says Bertine Hage, a concierge.

"These people are asking for your help. They want you to make sure that they have a good time in your city," says Troy Glenn, a hotel concierge. A good concierge knows their city inside and out and spends time sampling the city's entertainment and food. With this knowledge, concierges are extremely effective.

You are working alone at the Lombardy Hotel concierge desk one Thursday night when Mr. and Mrs. Teller arrive. Before checking in with the front desk, they immediately come to the concierge desk. This tips you off that you are dealing with world travelers who frequently rely on concierges for all city arrangements.

They seem fairly amicable and the three of you chat for a few minutes. While you are talking, you look up guest history in the computer. You see that Mr. Teller is the CEO and president of Softease Computer Co. This surprises you a bit because he seems so young and relaxed. His clothes are non-assuming. You can tell that he and his wife are young professionals used to the good life.

In minutes, you determine that they have been all over the world, but never to San Francisco. Their best friends live in the city, and the Tellers have been promising them for some time that they would come visit. They have heard nothing but great things about the city and the hotel. After a few days in the city, they plan to go to Napa Valley. Can you make reservations and suggestions for them? They hope that you will be able to make their experience in San Francisco memorable.

Just then, the front desk lady delivers their front desk key and you ring for a bellhop to help with their luggage. Just as they are walking away, Mr. Teller comes back to the desk and whispers to you, "Please make reservations at the Golden Gate Steak Club for 8 p.m."

You are taken aback. The Golden Gate Steak Club is one of the worst places in the city. It has terrible ambience, overdone steaks and awful service. He seems to be politely waiting for you to pick up the phone and make the reservation. What do you do?


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