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Image Consultant

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

The old adage says that the customer is always right. But when it comes to being an image consultant, there'll be times when the customer might be wrong.

You've been working with Tina, a 30-year-old business executive, for six years. She came to you after graduating from college with a master's degree. She wanted to quickly make the transition into the working world of business. You outfitted her with the power suits and professional image to land a great first job.

Three years later, she wanted to move to a new company, one with a more conservative image. So you helped her again by softening her look just enough to make the right first impression.

Now, she's called you for a meeting. A new job is becoming available in two months and she wants to make every attempt to be the person chosen. It will mean a big raise and promotion. Tina asks you to completely make her over again. She wants to appear more aggressive, more willing to take the risks required of this management position.

You tell her you'll give it some thought. But as you leave Tina's office, you begin to worry she's making the wrong decision. The look that Tina has put her in line for the promotion -- shouldn't it be enough to put her over the top as well? And shouldn't her work be the final selling point, not her image?

As you prepare for your next meeting, you have to decide what to tell Tina. Will you tell her to keep her image the way it is, explaining that her work and experience will win her the promotion, not the way she looks? Will you follow Tina's instructions and provide her with a new haircut, brighter clothing and more up-to-date accessories? Or will you tell Tina you think a more subtle makeover is in order, one that will update her look without drastically changing it? What do you do?


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  • 1-800-GO-TO-XAP (1-800-468-6927)
    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900
  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
