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Interviewer Clerk

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You are employed in a new job as a research interviewer.

You discover that research interviewers are not required to use math in their daily work. However, you are curious about how the data you collect is used.

One day, you go to your supervisor and ask her to explain what the data means.

Your supervisor says that the raw data you collect is sent to statisticians who analyze the information using computer programs to compile the results.

To help you understand, the supervisor shows you some raw data that the interviewers have collected on a particular survey. The purpose of the survey, in part, was to determine where people go to learn about news and current events. The company that paid for the study publishes a news website. There were 380 people surveyed. Not everyone who completed the survey answered every question, so the total number of responses varies from question to question.

The raw data looks like this: (Note: the numbers refer to the number of people who selected this response)

How often do you1+ hours/day2-3 times/weekOnce a weekLess than once a weekNever
listen to radio news?85541204328
watch TV news?12589542512
read newspapers?145100683525
surf news sites on the Internet?58688910065
read news magazines?43324712015
  1. What is the primary source of news information? What percentage of respondents use this information source each day?
  2. What percentage of respondents use the Internet on a daily basis?
  3. What percentage never use the Internet as a news source?
  4. How could the company make use of this information?


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
