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Real-Life Math

Mark Canart owns and runs a cattle-buying company. He uses math constantly to calculate the sales value of animals, his commission and his budget among other things.

"[Math skills] are fairly important," he says. One reason is that the Canadian and American livestock markets are closely integrated. You must be able to calculate the exchange, says Canart.

An average steer weighs 850 pounds. They are worth $0.81 per pound.

Freight costs are $2.50 Cdn for every 100 pounds of steer that you ship. Plus, every time livestock crosses the border, it must have the proper vaccination documents. That costs you $0.50 Cdn for every 100 pounds of steer.

Plus, you have to take into account the other costs associated with an animal -- the land you needed for grazing, the feed you had to buy for it, and more. This cost comes to $103 Cdn per 100 pounds of steer.

Calculate your profit in Canadian currency if you are selling 1,000 steers from Canada to the U.S.

$1 Cdn = $0.75 US


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