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Baseball Player

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Sometimes it seems like there is a statistic calculated for every move a baseball player makes on the field. Baseball is obsessed with numbers. There are entire books that are simply statistics about baseball players.

"As a former PE teacher, I incorporated math concepts into our baseball unit," says Justine Siegal. She is the founder and executive coach of a Massachusetts-based organization that offers baseball instruction for men and women.

"Math is rampant throughout baseball. I can give you a multiple regression equation that will likely predict what kind of hitting year a player will have based on what the player has done in the past. Scouts, agents and coaches can use this information. One cool job is to become a baseball statician."

"There is a lot of math in baseball," agrees Adam Morissette, media relations coordinator of a baseball organization. "The sport is renowned for having various statistics which determine how well a player is performing, there are mathematical formulas used to calculate batting averages (AVG), on-base percentages (OBP) for batters, and earned run averages (ERA) and walks plus hits per innings pitched (WHIP) for pitchers."

You're a strong hitter on a professional baseball team. You're partway through the season and wonder how you're measuring up to last year's statistics, so you calculate your batting average.

  1. A batting average measures how many hits a player would make out of 1,000 bats, and is calculated by dividing the number of hits by the number of times he is up to bat.

    Last year you hit 73 out of the 243 times you went up to bat. What's your batting average?

    This year you have hit 42 out of 155 times that you've been up to bat. What's your batting average this year?

  2. Your teammate, Jose, asks you to calculate his fielding percentage. To calculate this percentage, divide the total number of assists and putouts a fielder makes by the total number of putouts, assists and errors a fielder makes.

    Jose's field stats:
    108 putouts
    14 assists
    2 errors


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