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Elementary School Teacher

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Elementary school teachers use math every day. They have to add up test scores and term marks and schedule times for lessons during the day.

Elementary school teachers also teach math to their students. "You really have to understand a concept in order to explain it simply to the children," says Cheryl Pesicka, an elementary school teacher. "How can you explain something if you are unsure of the concept?"

This week, you are doing a unit on birds. You have told the class stories about birds, had the children draw their favorite bird, and now you are going to use birds in your math lesson.

These are the questions you ask your students.

  1. An ostrich egg weighs about 3 pounds. It would take 200 hummingbird eggs to weigh 1 ounce. How many hummingbird eggs would it take to weigh as much as 1 ostrich egg? (Remember that 16 ounces = 1 pound.)
  2. Sparrow eggs hatch in about 12 days. It takes 5 times as long for penguin eggs to hatch. Chicken eggs take 39 days less than penguin eggs. How much time does it take for penguin eggs and chicken eggs to hatch?


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