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Credit Counselor

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Real-Life Activities

You chose to work with a credit counseling agency because you wanted to help people on a very basic level. Little did you know when you began in this career four years ago how many people other than your clients you would have to deal with.

Your daily work finds you contacting people in financial institutions, credit companies, family services and other companies where people create debt. You even carry on conversations with people inside your organization on a daily basis. From meetings to training classes, you are always communicating with someone.

Today, you find yourself writing a report for a client. You've met with the client, Sheila Jameson, several times. During these meetings, you have learned that her debt-to-income ratio is not high at all. Only about 40 percent of her income is paid out in bills each month.

However, the client has a spending behavior problem. She spends all of her remaining money on impulse purchases. What she needs and wants is a budget that she can stay with, and a way to save and invest her money more wisely.

In your report, you outline these facts, which you are both already aware of, and you suggest that she use the budgeting sheet that you will attach to the report.

You also suggest that she invest at least 20 percent of her monthly income into a mutual fund program, called Easy Mutual Funds. It takes a small amount up front and then requires a monthly draft from her account each month.

The fund that you are referring her to has an average annual return of around 17 percent. You estimate that she will make several thousand dollars in interest each year if she follows this plan. You need to recommend strongly that she follow through with the plan you have outlined for her.

Try writing this report. Remember to be professional, but friendly and firm. Also remember that grammar and punctuation are important in presenting a professional image.

  • Want to learn more? Check out this URL:

    National Foundation for Credit Counseling

    Want to see what we came up with?


  • Email Support
  • 1-800-GO-TO-XAP (1-800-468-6927)
    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900
  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
