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Pediatric Nurse

Real-Life Activities

Pediatric nurses play many key roles in the treatment of young people. One of the most important things they do is provide a calming presence for children in a frightening environment.

You are a nurse welcoming a young patient to the brain surgery wing at a major hospital. She is due for a two-week stay and you want her to feel comfortable. You take some time to show her around.

The main things to show her are:

  • Her room: You may want to explain how the bed works and point out the TV. Show her how to call a nurse on the intercom.
  • The nurses' station: This is where a nurse is always on duty. It's the place to go for help.
  • The playroom: This room has toys and dolls and video games for children to enjoy.
  • The snack room: Children are welcome to come here with adult supervision to get some juice or a snack.

You may also want to let the child know about the rest of the hospital:

This is one of 21 floors holding nearly 1,000 patients, all connected by 10 elevators. A cafeteria on the bottom floor will make her meals. They will be sent up at 9, noon and 5 on the dot. When it comes time for surgery, she'll ride an elevator up to the 12th floor.

What do you say to the child? Write out what you would say.


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
