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Operations Research Analyst

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Real-Life Math -- Solution

Hooray! The carpenters just put the finishing touches on the new baseball stadium in your town. The team and stadium owner are excited that the building is ready to host its first game.

You are the operations research analyst helping the owner decide how much to charge for each of the seats.

The stadium holds 30,000 people. When it's full, the owner wants to earn a total of $560,000 from the blue section, which has 7,000 seats. She wants to earn $600,000 from the red section, which has 10,000 seats. She wants to earn $390,000 from the remaining seats, which are in the yellow section.

"Operations research is math," says Ross Darrow. He is an operations research analyst in Texas. "What we do is make mathematical models that help in the science of decision making."

What price do you recommend charging for an individual seat in the blue, the red and the yellow section?


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