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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Your letter could read something like this.

To Mr. Livingston:

I am the head agronomist who maintains your golf course, and I have bad news.

Salmon have been seen spawning in one of the streams that is running through your golf course. The fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that we are currently using to prepare and manage the golf course are running off the greens and into the stream where the salmon are spawning. These chemicals could poison, if not destroy, this very sensitive fish habitat.

In my opinion, we should stop using all of our current chemicals in the management of the golf course. With your permission, I will provide a list of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that meet the most stringent standards for stream safety.

The sooner we implement the use of these new safer chemicals, the sooner we will stop harming the spawning fish. I also recommend that you instruct the golf course manager to do this immediately.

In the future, I recommend that you consider non-chemical alternatives to treat your golf course.


(Your name)

Communication skills are important in this field. Agricultural businesses are living in the information age along with every other sector.

"The potential for an agri-business to sell its products is likely going to depend on the information services provided by the agronomist," says Dave Major. He is a former president of an agronomy society.


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
