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Environmental Accountant

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Here's what you could write:

As the importance of environmental issues continues to grow, organizations are challenged to implement effective programs ensuring compliance with environmental laws, regulations and organization policies.

With the current global interest in the environment, most organizations have environmental concerns. Some of the more obvious industries that are affected by environmental issues are petroleum production, paper and manufacturing.

Environmental accounting issues abound and are often complex. They are encountered in many areas of an organization. Property transactions, whether buying, selling or leasing, may be affected. Other environmental accounting issues include:

  • Accounting for routine environmental expenses (waste disposal costs)
  • Accounting for pollution prevention equipment
  • Financial statement disclosure, and management reporting of environmental costs

Environmental accounting issues are encountered in virtually every facet of operating a business, from day-to-day operations, to cleaning up from prior operations, to acquiring or disposing of property. The cost of environmental compliance and programs is considered in decisions regarding future business direction.

All types of businesses and industries, from manufacturing to service industries, must deal with environmental issues every day. Make those issues make sense, with the dollars and cents approach of environmental accountants.

Good job! Don't feel bad if your summary didn't look exactly like ours. This summary was adapted from a report by Julie Thompson, the president of the Environmental Resources Network. Needless to say, Thompson has had a bit of practice explaining just what environmental accountants can do for their clients!


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