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Skydiving Instructor

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

You're instructing a group of first-time skydivers. You've been discussing different obstacles they have to avoid when landing, such as trees, fences and cars.

Now, you're going to discuss what can be the most dangerous obstacle of all: power lines. You need to emphasize the danger they represent. Also, you need to make clear what they should do if they come across them.

The points you want to mention are:

  • Power lines are hard to see but poles are quite easy to see.
  • Most roads have power lines over them and beside them.

If they accidentally approach power lines they should:

  • Keep feet and knees together. Try to streamline your body.
  • Hands and arms stay in upmost position.
  • Try not to contact two wires at same time.
  • Avoid broken lines shorting out on the ground.
  • If suspended from the wires, don't try to touch ground. No one should touch you until power is shut off.
  • Don't panic and grab wires.

Write down what you'll say to your students about power lines.


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  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
