Sample Objectives
Using an employment objective lets
the hiring manager know what to expect from the rest of your resume.
It's important to use strong language and be as specific as possible.
Good Examples
Here are some examples of good objectives, courtesy of Isaacs:
Example 1: Student seeking employment, without a specific career goal in mind
Objective: Seeking part-time summer employment
Example 2: Student with a specific position in mind:
Objective: Student seeking part-time service job in fast-food restaurant
Example 3: Objective stating career goal and industry target
Objective: Seeking an apprenticeship in the carpentry field
Example 4: Objective used as part of a qualifications summary
Objective: Upcoming
communications graduate of ABC College seeking to leverage proven
classroom skills in creative campaign concepts, placement/distribution
strategies, and target marketing in a communications internship
Miller's examples of well-written objectives use strong language:
Objective: Lead computer programmer with supervisory experience
seeking challenging position within start-up enterprise
Employment Target: Assistant position in large retail outlet,
which allows utilization of strong leadership and educational experience
Not-So-Good Examples
"The worst objectives are full of cliches, focus on the job seeker's
needs and don't specify a specific career goal," says Isaacs.
Here are a couple examples that miss the mark.
Objective: Seeking a challenging position with opportunity for growth and advancement
Objective: A position with a forward-thinking
company that values employee teamwork and accountability
So as you are developing that targeted resume and cover letter, don't forget
to include a clear, concise and well-written employment objective.