Success in a mathematics degree program requires three things: consistency,
discipline and practice.
So says Colin Starr, a professor in the department of mathematics and statistics
at Stephen F. Austin University in Texas.
"We prefer students who have taken math throughout high school, have high
GPAs [grade point averages], and who have scored well on the mathematics portion
of a standardized test," says Starr.
"We look for verbal scores, since so much of mathematics is communicating
to others. We like to see evidence of a strong work ethic -- such as not shirking
difficult classes during one's senior year! Mathematics is not an easy
major, so I want to know that a student is ready to work."
You'll obviously need to take math in high school. "Students should
have a strong background in advanced algebra and trigonometry," says
Mary Wright, a math professor at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
"Don't be discouraged by mistakes -- expect them regularly as a sign that
you're doing what you are supposed to be doing," says math professor Hadi
Kharaghani. "Most importantly, enjoy math for itself. Get into ideas, be excited
about a thought or an inspiration. Have fun!"
"Learning mathematics is like learning a language, a musical instrument
or a sport," says Wright. "There is a certain amount of memorization that
has to be done -- the definitions, theorems and proofs of mathematics are
[similar to] the vocabulary, grammar and syntax of a language."
Upon graduation, Wright says, students will be able to apply math to problem-solving
situations in business and science. They will also have knowledge of probability
and statistics, linear programming, math software and abstract reasoning.
"This will depend, in part, on the courses they choose," she says. "Mathematics
is a broad field. Just as a music major will graduate with skills in one
or two specific instruments and a basic understanding of others, so a mathematics
major will graduate with a skill in one or two specific areas and a basic
understanding of others."
The main costs are tuition and books.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
For more information related to this field of study, see: Mathematicians
and Statisticians
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