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Advertising Manager

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

Advertising production managers sometimes deal directly with their advertising clients.

You are an advertising production manager. You do a lot of work with one client and you have a good relationship with them. You have noticed that they haven't advertised with you for a while -- you want to find out why.

“You've got to understand a client's needs. You have to elicit those needs," says Paul Ellis. He works in the advertising department of a fashion magazine. It's important for him to question his clients and listen carefully to their answers.

"You have to find out what their values are and determine how you can suit those values."

Prepare yourself for a phone call with the client. Think of three questions you are going to ask the client. You might want let your client know that you do online advertising as well as print.


  • Email Support
  • 1-800-GO-TO-XAP (1-800-468-6927)
    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900
  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
