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Medical and Health Services Manager

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

As a hospital administrator, you deal with written reports every day. Not only do you have to read and understand them, but you also have to relate their contents to others.

Recently, the hospital board passed some new policies that affect the radiology department. The radiology supervisor is concerned about the changes, since they determine which doctors can request diagnostic tests.

The supervisor asks you for some clarification on the issue. You are asked to supply the answers at tomorrow's department head meeting.

The radiologist has jotted out a few of his questions. You read them through carefully:

  1. Do the diagnostic tests now have to be ordered by the patient's physician or can they still be ordered by other physicians within the hospital?
  2. Why has this policy been introduced?
  3. Are there any exceptions to the policy?

You pull out a copy of the new policy. You find the appropriate section:

Changes for Health-Care Diagnostic Testing

In order to be covered, diagnostic testing, which includes fields such as radiology, must be ordered by the physician who treats the patient. The diagnostic tests will not be paid for by health care if the tests are ordered by someone other than the patient's immediate doctor.

This policy is an attempt to clarify the existing regulations specifying that for a diagnostic test to be covered, the service had to be related to the patient's condition -- illness, injury, symptom, complaint and then ordered by a physician.

Administration believes that this clarification would eliminate some unnecessary tests ordered by physicians who are not the patient's immediate or family doctor.

An exception is made for X-rays that demonstrate subluxation of the spine that are ordered by a chiropractor. This is an exception because within the system no payment can be made to a chiropractor who orders a diagnostic test.

Answer the questions based on what the policy tells you. Write the answers in everyday language -- after all, you have to say them out loud at the meeting.


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
