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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

The most difficult professional decisions made by marine biologists involve the lives of the animals they study.

You're a marine biologist who works as a whale-watching guide off the coast of Alaska. The work is outstanding. You sail past glaciers in search of killer whales and other spectacles of nature. You show visitors a piece of the wild natural world -- something they'll never forget.

But there are times when the job takes on more urgency.

It's late in the afternoon one day and the final excursion is heading into port. It has been an exciting day -- nine whales sighted, including a mother and her baby.

Your interpretation work is mostly done. You've already told the passengers more than they could ever have imagined knowing about whales and Alaska.

But about two miles from shore, you spot a whale swimming in a strange manner. Instead of coming to the surface and then diving after getting air, the whale seems to be staggering along just below the surface.

You grab a pair of binoculars and take a closer look. As you suspected, the whale is tangled in a fishing net. You know from experience that the whale can only survive so long. Her ability to feed in the deep, cold waters will be hampered by the net. In a matter of days she will die of starvation.

What do you do?


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
