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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

One of the first big decisions that epidemiologists must make is about the setting in which they'll work. There are many types of employers and they all offer different benefits and drawbacks.

For example, work is available in post-secondary institutions as faculty or in other academic research facilities. There are positions available in government as scientists. Health agencies and medical institutions also employ epidemiologists. There is also work in private industry. Self-employment as consultants is yet another option.

You have just graduated with your PhD in epidemiology, and you are weighing a couple of job offers. The first offer is with a public health agency. You are keen to work in public health because you'll be able to get the research out to people who need it. You will have an opportunity to work with people all over the world. You can become part of the body that helps to decide the best action plans to deal with health-care concerns.

The downside is that the starting salary, although fair, is lower than your second offer. You have a big student debt after your many years at university. If you took an offer with a higher salary, you could pay off your debt sooner and start saving for a home and a family.

The second offer you received is from a drug company. The salary that they have offered you -- to start -- is almost twice as high as the job with public health. The facility where you'd work has all the latest technology. There would be no worries about getting funding for the studies that you want to carry out.

However, you are concerned that you would be pressured to design your research to favor the interests of the tobacco industry. If that were to happen, you would not be able to fulfill your dream of creating healthier communities.

"The hardest part of my job relates to the need to multitask in a socio-economic environment within which so many interests are not always working in support of public health," says Colin L. Soskolne. He is an epidemiologist.

You must decide which job offer to accept.


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