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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Busy kitchens are unpredictable places. Anything can happen.

It's Saturday night, and your restaurant is packed. The sous chef is sick and the restaurant is two servers down because they're sick, too.

Then, the dishwasher backs up. Water is leaking all over the floor. With servers trying to get past while balancing plates, it seems like the worst thing that could possibly happen. As the chef, you need to find a solution, and quick. Then, when you think nothing else could go wrong, the fire alarm goes off for no reason.

Matt Rissling is an executive chef. He says this kind of thing happens. Therefore, decision making skills are critical.

"If you can learn from your mistakes, good," he says. "If you can avoid the mistakes in the first place, even better. There are so many variables that you need to have good critical decision making skills, you need to be able to adapt, and you need to be able to do it with often zero notice. You, as a chef, are always making decisions based on your experience and best judgement."

What do you do?


  • Email Support
  • 1-800-GO-TO-XAP (1-800-468-6927)
    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900
  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
