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Power Plant Operator

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High school preferred +

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You're a power systems operator for a small power company. You and the other workers in the control center handle marketing of electricity.

In the past, you were only responsible for ensuring the safe and steady supply of electricity to customers. Now, because of deregulation, you participate in the buying and selling of blocks of electricity on the open market.

To maximize the revenue for the power company, you need to find the best prices for your electricity. Look at each deal below and find out which one will earn you the most money.

  1. You can sell 22 megawatts at $43 per megawatt, or 17 megawatts at $45 per megawatt.
  2. You can sell 10 megawatts at $24 per megawatt, or 12 megawatts at $22 per megawatt.
  3. You can sell 14 megawatts at $35 per megawatt, or 18 megawatts at $33 per megawatt.


  • Email Support
  • 1-800-GO-TO-XAP (1-800-468-6927)
    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900
  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
