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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You might think that a great chef doesn't need any recipes at all -- that they know instinctively how much of each ingredient to use in a dish. Well, that's a myth!

Take, for example, the following recipes, which set proportions (such as one-half) and volumes (such as 2 cups) along with ingredients.

Usually, recipes are designed to produce a certain number of servings, for example, 12 muffins or four side dishes. Sometimes you might want 24 muffins or only two side dishes, so you have to convert the recipe to give you the servings you want.

In addition, you must estimate how many portions a certain quantity of food will make. You also have to convert the occasional imperial measurement to metric. (Some recipes are written in imperial, and others are in metric.) Also, since chefs order food from suppliers they must be familiar with different weights and measurements.

Your restaurant is hosting a meal for the delegates of an international conference. There are 120 delegates, and you must put together a dinner for them. You decide prime rib and vegetables will be on the menu.

You order the meat in large cuts, weighing 8 kilograms apiece. You know that every 18 pounds of meat makes 20 portions, so how many large cuts of meat will you need to order?

Note: You will have to convert pounds into kilograms to order.


2.2 pounds = 1 kilogram
1 pound = 0.454 kilograms

Next, you know that you use 5 pounds of vegetables for every 20 dishes. How many pounds of veggies will you need?


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