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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

You have just returned from Chile, where you have done 6 months of missionary work. Your next assignment is Brazil. "The majority of math skills needed are reflected in the day-to-day issues of currency conversion, metric equivalents and simple check book bookkeeping," says missionary Barney Davis.

"Every missionary I have worked with overseas carries a small card calculator with them to handle the metric and currency conversion issues which typically arise several times each day," explains Davis.

You know you need 2,800 Brazilian real to cover all your expenses. You have $1,500 US and 73,500 Chilean pesos. Do you have enough money?

You don't have a calculator that will convert for you, but looking at the daily foreign exchange rates, you find the following information:

1 U.S. dollar is equal to:

482 Chilean pesos
1.73 Brazilian real


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
