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Information Officer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

You are an information officer for a government. Recently, this situation has come to your attention:

Parents may have to care for their adult children if thhose children are suffering from certain medical problems. But as the parents get older themselves, they find it more difficult to care for their children.

The government offers support services to parents who care for their children. It also offers residential care to those children. But the waiting list for such programs is long. And what happens to those children when the care-giving parent dies?

The governor has promised to spend more money. Now it is up to you to tell the media and others about this new program.

Below, you will find a set of random facts and quotes from the governor. Let's call her Greta Devin. Arrange them in the best possible way. You may not have to include some facts in your final story. Also, check for spelling and accuracy.

Some of the numbers may not add correctly, and you don't want to give the press the wrong information. Don't include information that will hurt the government.

Here are the facts you have to work with:

  1. "Many families take care of their adult children in their homes. But as they age, these parents find it more difficult to give their children the same care and support they provided for so many years."
  2. Last year, the government invested more than $380 million in community living services for adults.
  3. The average cost for residential care is $148 per day.
  4. "Today's investment will help parents continue caring for their grown sons and daughters in their own homes and in their own communities."
  5. The government will work with advisory groups and key stakeholders to allocate the $7.5 million to specific services in specific communities.
  6. More than 400 individuals age 40+ in the region live with aging relatives
  7. The government is funding $7.5 million in community living services for adults
  8. $7.5 million may not be enough to meet the needs of all aging parents' families
  9. "Renewing and sustaining services for adults living in the community is a priority. All people in this area -- no matter what their abilities -- have the right to live as full and independent a life as possible."
  10. The average cost for training and support services is $34 per day.
  11. The $7.5 million could be spent on respite, training and support, home support or residential care for the adults or the parents


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
