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Real-Life Activities

You look at your desk. It is overflowing with reports and statistics concerning family violence -- incidents of physical assault, elder abuse and spousal abuse. You are overwhelmed with how much violence there is -- and the horrible way it destroys its victims' lives.

Looking down at the pad of paper before you, you read what you've written. Nope, it just doesn't get across the urgency. You rip off the sheet of paper, crumple it and throw it towards the wastebasket in the corner of the room. It bounces off the rim and lands next to several other crunched notepaper balls lying on the carpet.

"One more try, just one more try...and if I don't get it then I'll head home," you mutter to yourself as you pick up your pen. You look out the window at the darkening sky and think about what you want to say.

"OK, now this is one of the most important parts, it has to impact the reader -- really get them in the gut," you tell yourself. You've written the rest of the fund-raising brochure but have left the introduction to the last.

It needs to catch the interest of the reader, drawing them into the problem of family violence, showing them that every part of society hurts with this ill. You want to paint a picture with words.

You check your facts again:

Spousal Assault

  • It's underreported, like other forms of family violence
  • Two women each week are murdered by their husbands and at least one million women are physically or psychologically abused by husbands or partners
  • Experts estimate the average abused wife is beaten by her husband 35 times before going to the police
  • It's widespread in all levels of society -- all economic levels, religious groups and cultures

Child Abuse

  • Ninety percent of runaways each year are running from family violence
  • Forty-four percent of assault victims are male
  • Almost half the time the abuser is a family member; strangers commit only eight percent of abuses

Elder Abuse

  • They're often victimized in their own homes by family members or caregivers
  • An estimated 98,000 elderly people are abused in one way or another

Persons With Disabilities Abuse

  • Most victims are female
* All facts from Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Against Family Violence

Other people have said that family violence is a national health emergency and the most pervasive social ill in our society.

You feel the pressure mount. Knowing that if you don't communicate well, people won't give to your cause, you place the point of your pen on the paper and start to write.


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  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
