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Locomotive Engineer

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Real-Life Activities

Locomotive engineers often use logs to record activity along the tracks they operate. These logs can become the basis for investigations into accidents or mishaps, or can be reviewed by management to single out engineers for good work.

Engineers also use the logs to re-enact events and write narrative reports on specific incidents. The incident in question is a near-collision at a junction late one night. The trains actually missed each other by nearly a full minute. But that's close enough by railway standards to warrant a review!

The time comes for you to write a report. You return to your log and find the following information:

12:04Train 542 heading east at 15 m.p.h. seeks clearance to cross junction 19 at 12:24
12:05After log check, permission issued to train 542 to cross at 12:24
12:06Train 772 heading south toward junction at 22 m.p.h. requests permission to cross junction 18 at 12:25. Train advised that junction 19 is busy until 12:34. Advised to slow forward speed to 11 m.p.h. and cross at later time
12:19Train 772 reports preparing to cross junction 19
12:19Train 542 reports preparing to cross junction 19
12:20Train 772 advised to halt forward progress immediately. Emergency signals activated by remote to clear junction
12:20Train 772 advises wet track conditions will make stopping dangerous. Seeks permission to cross junction first. Advises time to clear junction two minutes
12:21Permission issued to train 772 to cross junction. Train 542 advised to slow to five m.p.h. as soon as possible
12:24Train 772 enters junction
12:26Train 772 clears junction -- tracks switched by remote
12:27Train 542 enters junction
12:30Train 542 clears junction

Now, re-create the incident in narrative form, inserting your decision-making process where you think appropriate and summarizing your opinion of the incident. Use the site below to get a feel for the lingo of the trade.


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    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
