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Environmental Scientist/Specialist

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Real-Life Activities

You are an environmental scientist studying forestry practices. You are interested in the western and mountain hemlock trees. These are the answers to questions you posed about the trees:

  1. Which type of tree is taller?

    The western hemlock can reach a height of 167 feet. That is much greater than the usual 26 feet to 53 feet that a mountain hemlock can reach.

  2. What characteristic do the two types share?

    Both trees have drooping tops, which are a distinctive feature of the hemlock.

  3. What sorts of objects are produced from mountain hemlock?

    The mountain hemlock is used to make things like paper, siding, flooring, boxes and crates.

  4. Which type can live at higher altitudes?

    The mountain hemlock can live at higher altitudes. It can be found at 5,905 feet, while the western hemlock survives up to 4,920 feet.


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