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Sports Agent

Real-Life Activities

You are a sports agent who has a regular roster of pro athletes, along with some up-and-coming athletes who are destined for great things. This morning you're meeting with a football player who has been invited to attend a pro-league training camp.

You and Bob are going to go over the contract for the training camp to make sure it's clear to him before he signs it.

You have a good look at the contract to make sure you'll be able to answer any questions he may have:


I _____________________, agree to participate in an athlete assessment camp conducted through representatives of the Centerville Chargers. I understand the primary purpose of this assessment is to provide information about my present level of fitness and ability to perform as an elite athlete. I understand that this session will involve a series of procedures which constitute exercise fitness tests designed to provide information regarding muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. The athletic assessment will include:

  1. Body measurements for determination of height, weight, body girths and thickness of skin folds for determination of body fat.
  2. A graded exercise test to measure maximal oxygen consumption, by running on a motor-driven treadmill. The work level will begin at a minimal intensity and will advance as determined by progress. During the test expired-breath and heart rate will be monitored.
  3. Collection of two small blood samples obtained through routine fingertip pricks by qualified personnel.
I ______________________, further accept the inherent risks associated with testing of this nature. I understand that all tests will be completed by qualified personnel. The presence of this signature implies informed consent on the part of the athlete and indicates that I have understood the conditions of this agreement.

As far as contracts go, this one is pretty straightforward. You figure this meeting will take a couple of minutes, assuming your client has read the contract.

A few minutes later, Bob has arrived. You shake hands and sit down.

Bob says he hasn't had a chance to read the contract and asks you to just tell him what it says and he'll sign it. You don't mind -- after all, it's your job!

You've got to summarize the key points of the contract for Bob. What do you tell him?


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