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Creative Director

Real-Life Activities

Here is the written portion of your presentation:

The first ad you see here is designed to attract families. You notice how it is displayed across the top of the screen. This is what we call a banner ad. When people open a website that has sold advertising space to us, they will see this across the top of their screens.

If you look now, you'll see the same ad, only in a small box. This is what is called an interstitial ad. These are the ads that pop up and block the site behind them. Most people turn interstitial ads off immediately, so you need to get your message across as soon as possible.

This ad is perfect for that format. The viewer sees cute animals, soothing colors, the word "family," and your logo -- all in a fraction of a second. Whether they realize it or not, viewers have received the message that your store is designed with families in mind.

This next ad is meant for teenagers who rent video games. This ad is also a banner ad. You'll notice your logo isn't displayed. That is because there are two parts to this ad. This first part is designed to get their attention. They see the colorful lettering, and the words "Fun -- we've got it." It asks the viewer to click on the box in the lower right corner.

Why don't you try it? As you can see, a second page comes up with a list of video games and your logo.

We also plan to run the video game ad as an interstitial ad. In that case, the first page of the ad won't be included. There is no point in running both pages, since most people won't hit the "click here" section on the first page of the ad to find out more information. If we run the second page, they will immediately see the list of video games and your logo.

However, we needed something extra to hold their attention. In the case of the interstitial ad, the letters in the ad will be flashing.

We're sure that these ads will get the results you want.


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