Additional Information
To become a lawyer, you'll need to get a bachelor's degree from a recognized
law school.
"Law school is a lot of work," says law professor Rose Godfrey. "There's
no comparison to the work done in high school. Students have to be prepared
to go to school all day and then spend many more hours at night reading."
Some high schools offer law courses, which might be a good way to learn
introductory material. If your school doesn't, make sure you take English
and communication courses. When at university, students may take a wide variety
of undergraduate courses before entering law school. "We advise students to
take whatever undergraduate courses interest them," says Godfrey.
Before you're admitted to law school, you'll need at least three years
in a general undergraduate program. Most people spend an extra year to get
a general bachelor's degree before applying to law.
After getting a law degree, a student has to pass the state bar exam in
order to be licensed to practice.
Requirements for passing the bar vary from state to state. Check with your
local association for details in your area. However, most candidates for the
bar must pass a written examination.
Once licensed, you may be required to join an association, such as the
American Bar Association.