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Park Naturalist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Being a park interpreter means sharing a love for a particular place and the natural or human history behind it. After all, if you're going to stand up there and talk about a place every day, you'd better not be bored by it.

But interpreters are sometimes faced with difficult decisions that stem from their feelings about the places where they work. Visitors don't want to hear too much bad news, but they also want the truth.

You're an interpreter working at a historic home where a famous sea captain and colonial governor once lived. You find the house fascinating. Every chance you get, you explore more research about the people who lived there and the events that happened within the walls.

On one research outing, you come across a letter from a traveler through the city where the house is located. The letter details the brutal treatment of slaves kept at the house where you work.

While you always knew there were slaves kept at the home, you believed popular accounts that they were well treated and happy.

You do some checking and find that the person who wrote the letter is credible. You have to decide how to handle this new information.

What do you do?


  • Email Support
  • 1-800-GO-TO-XAP (1-800-468-6927)
    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900
  • North Dakota Career Resource Network
    ndcrn@nd.gov | (701) 328-9733
