Additional Information
All dog handlers start off in the police force as regular patrol officers.
To join the canine unit, an officer needs a few years of police experience
and a demonstrated ability to work successfully in the police department.
For officers interested in dog handling, experts recommend volunteering
with the canine department on days off.
Canine units look for people who are patient and have a stable home, says
dog handler Neil McNairnay. "In other words, dog handlers are people who would
be good dog owners."
In the United States, the minimum age for police officers is 21. Police
forces require applicants to have a minimum of a Grade 12 diploma.
To apply, call your local police department and sign up for an orientation
meeting. After the meeting, you will write an exam that tests your decision-making
skills, your values and your thinking ability. If you score well on the exam,
you will be called for an interview.
"In the interview, recruiting officers are looking for a well-rounded individual.
They look for a combination of most kinds of work experience, some post-secondary
education and some volunteer work," says McNairnay.
Any kind of volunteer work showing community involvement will help, but
experts recommend job shadowing at the police force in your area.
Many police departments these days prefer hiring individuals with a college
or university education. This will become more important, especially for those
wanting to advance within the ranks.