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Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management

Program Description

Just the Facts

Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management. A program that focuses on the application of scientific principles to the control of animal, insect and weed infestation of domesticated plant populations and other settings, including agricultural crops; the prevention/reduction of attendant economic loss; and the control of environmental pollution and degradation related to pest infestation and pest control measures. Includes instruction in entomology, applicable animal sciences, plant pathology and physiology, weed science, crop science, and environmental toxicology.

This program is available in these options:

  • Certificate / Diploma
  • Associate degree
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master's degree
  • Doctoral degree

High School Courses

See the high school courses recommended for programs in this career cluster:

See the high school courses recommended for programs in this pathway: