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Program Description

Just the Facts

Printmaking. A program that prepares individuals creatively and technically to express emotions, ideas, or inner visions by rendering art concepts onto surfaces and transferring images, via ink or dyes, onto paper or fabric. Includes instruction in monochrome and color printing; tonality; chemistry; equipment set-up and maintenance; techniques such as serigraphy, lithography, intaglio, woodcut, block, stencil, relief, etching, and composite; and personal style development.

This program is available in these options:

  • Certificate / Diploma
  • Associate degree
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master's degree

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Additional Information

Fine art printmaking entails the creation of a master plate from which multiple images are made. This art is taught at many schools across the country.

The idea of printmaking is that more than one original artwork can be created from the same initial image. The process is about making multiples.

You can pursue printmaking certificates and bachelor's and master's degrees through a variety of fine arts programs.

"For most students with a printmaking concentration within the art major, the bachelor of fine arts degree is selected since it puts an emphasis on studio practices," says Oscar Gillespie, an art professor at Bradley University.

"A student majors in art history or in studio art with a concentration in an area of interest, such as printmaking, painting, photography, sculpture or ceramics."

You can also do a master's degree and even a PhD in printmaking. Students wanting to learn more in-depth techniques can do a master's. People usually don't do a PhD unless they want to pursue a career as a college or university faculty member.

A bachelor's degree generally takes four years. Some art students choose to do a double major in education, which often takes five years.

You may need to submit a portfolio of your artwork. According to Edward Bernstein, co-head of printmaking at Indiana State University, applicants must also undergo an interview and have good academic marks.

Typical courses cover the different techniques of printmaking, such as relief printing and lithography. There are also courses in other art disciplines, such as drawing and painting.

"Students entering into the field of fine art need some aptitude for drawing and painting, an interest in the visual world, a knowledge of art history and a desire to be creative and to be challenged by their imagination," says Jean Maddison, coordinator of printmaking at a university.

Practice a lot of drawing with many different materials, from charcoal to pencils and pens, Gillespie says. Photography and computer courses are also good.

"I would recommend that high school students take as many art courses as are offered at their school," Maddison says. "It is good to become involved in designing school posters, painting murals for the school or the community or joining the local photography or pottery club."

Besides tuition and books, you may have to pay for studio supplies.


Occupational Outlook Handbook
For more information related to this field of study, see: Craft and Fine Artists

Printmaking Overview
Great site about printmaking from About.com

A site about woodblock printmaking

Art on the Net
Links to the art world